Intro/Council of Elders

The Black Flame Coven Intro/Council of Elders Who is Satan? Doctrine/Texts Meditation Prayers, Praises, and Peices of Rituals Sigils Satanic Sermons Coven Membership Donation Programs Recomended Websites Contact More About the Black Flame Coven and Satanism


For Centuries we have sat back in the darkness, silent. We have done nothing. Our gods were bound and exiled to Hell. Our lives were taken in the names of Yaweh, Jehova, Jesus, and Allah. Our children were taken from us adopted out and sacrificed in the name of gods that don't even exist. Millions upon millions of us were slaughtered to keep the truth away from humanity, and to eradicate the true origin and lineage of mankind. Now our enemies are growing weak, our gods are being restored, and we have been commanded to unite and fight. Now it is our turn to rise, again. It is our time to emerge from the shadows, to turn from underground, the secrative, to public. The witch trials are over. The Inquisition is over. The Mighty Churches of our enemies are being exposed for what they are, false, and they are doing exactally what they have been accusing us for. Satan smiles from Hell, for he is sending all of the demons from the pit to help mankind prepare for this coming war with the Watchtowers. Now is the time my brethren/sistren. All ye who read this and visit this site see and read truth. Come and learn what has been kept hidden from mankind for 6,000 years. Learn the religion of your ancestors. Learn the true religion.

- High Preist Danial Allman (1st Chair, Council of Elders)

The Council of Elders History

     The Council of Elders was founded Febuary 13th 2002 by High Priest Haborym Mastemas Magencia(1st Chair), who remains the Presiding High Priest, and the 1st Chair of The Council of Elders.  The Council of Elders is the governing body of The Black Flame Coven.


     The Council of Elders is made up of Nine Members elected by the Coven's congregation and approved by the Council itself.  In order to be a member of the Council of Elders one must prove himself/herself extreamly knowledgable and wise in satanism.  One must also be a member of the coven for no less than two years, and must be a licensed minister.

     The Council of Elders was originally founded by nine members.  It started out as a small gathering of friends who wanted satanic fellowship.  As the years went on these members would create a Grotto, in the name of LaVeyan satanism.  After some more years passed these members realized that they did not believe in Satan as a thing or object, and they saw that the Church of Satan was not the answer.  So one night these members split the coven and the council from LaVeyan satanism and started practicing spiritual satanism, and that is where we are at today.  Since the coven as a whole started practicing what they truly believed our congregation has become more and more happy with themselves, there coven, and there council.  We consider ourselves a tribe of Our Father Who Art in Hell, and consider ourselves his people.  In the name of Satan do we continue our spiritual advancment and evolution, and continue our spiritual war against lies, enslavment (both spiritually and physically), and the enemies of Our Father Satan and his people.  May Satan continue to bless the Council, the Coven, and the people.

- The Council of Elders (XXXIX-VIII-XII A.S.)

The Presiding High Priest

   Welcome and manny blessing be upon ye.  I hope that this site is informative and enjoyable to those truly serious about spiritual satanism.  please bear with us as we are still under construction.  If you have any questions please feel free to email my staff.

- Haborym M. Magencia (High Preist & First Chair, Council of Elders)

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