Spiritual Satanic Doctrine/Texts

The Black Flame Coven Intro/Council of Elders Who is Satan? Doctrine/Texts Meditation Prayers, Praises, and Peices of Rituals Sigils Satanic Sermons Coven Membership Donation Programs Recomended Websites Contact More About the Black Flame Coven and Satanism

Opening Statement

     The following doctrines/texts are that that make up the belief system of The Black Flame Coven.  Some of these doctrines/texts are a universal to Spiritual Satanism, and some are the texts of members of the Council of Elders.  It is up to you to choose what you ultimatly believe in, for your religion and your relationship with Our Father Who Art in Hell are both your own.  Some of these doctrines/texts are from a more original source, like the Yezidis, the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Druids ect., and some of these texts you will find are the personal revelations of the members of the Black Flame Coven, and some of these texts you will find on other Spiritual Satanist sites(like the Joy of Satan).  We also have a couple of private texts only given to those within the clergy/priesthood(like the Laws of the Preisthood).  I would just like to clear this up.  The Laws of the Preisthood are only allowed to be given to those who are within the preisthood because, as members of the preisthood of Satan and teachers/guides we must conduct ourselves accordingly.  Therefore we have different standards we must live by, as the eye of the public is constantly on us.  Our way of living varies between one text.  We do not whithhold anything else to the initiated.  To the uninitiated we just give you an idea of spiritual satanism.  It is your choice weather you wish to be part of our membership or not.  For those serious in finding the truth, remember you do not have to be a member of anything to be a spiritual satanist.  The membership is here for fellowship and Satanic Spiritual Advancement.  In order to receive these things you must be a member.  Please refer to our Membership page for more information.

Doctrine/Texts of Spiritual Satnism and the Black Flame Coven

These Doctrine/texts are what links all forms of Spiritual Satnism.  To see the Coven's Doctrines/texts scroll past the pentigram.


The Al-Jilwah, A Yezidi Doctrine:


The Al-Jilwah is the founding Doctrine of all forms of TRUE Spiritual Satanism.


The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth - www.webspawner.com/users/tesrote/index.html

The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth were created by Anton S. LaVey, we believe that he was receiving these from Our Father Who Art in Hell.  These rules most of the Coven live by.


The Nine Satanic Sins - www.webspawner.com/users/tnss/index.html

The Nine Satanic Sins were created by High Priest Anton S. LaVey.  We believe that he was receiving these from Our Father Who Art in Hell.


The 6 Satanic Agreements - www.webspawner.com/users/6agreements/index.html

This originaly started out as a sermon from High Priest Haborym M. Magencia, then became part of the philosiphy of the coven.(See also Satanic Sermons in the navigation bar)


The 4 Cardinal Virtues


Doctines/texts of the Black Flame Coven